Day 5
Que historia cuenta tu grupo de tu personaje
Euzkadez Ironaxe clérigo enano de Kelembor que progreso toda
la tabla de niveles desde 1 hasta 20 y terminó como asistente del propio
Kelembor, a regañadientes porque no se le permite su descanso final.
Rpch Tch Thc mejor conocida como Apsara, una nezumi ninja de
rokugan, lo que mas recordamos fue la última sesión que jugamos cuando se
infiltro en un burdel y embosco a una... “cortesana” con un Sudden Attack de
ninja que le infligió como 36 daños de golpe, si ese golpe lo ha recibido
Apsara se hubiera muerto con sus modestos 34 HP, sin embargo la “cortesana” no
solo los resistió sino que ofreció resistencia, mucha... demasiada, tanta que paso a la historia como uno de los encuentros más frustantes que han visto en nuestra mesa
What story your group tells about your character
Euzkadez Ironaxe dwarf cleric Kelembor that progress across the table levels from 1 to 20 and ended as assistant Kelembor himself reluctantly because he is not allowed their final rest.
Tch prc Thc best known as Apsara a ninja nezumi Rokugan, what most remember was the last session we played when I infiltrated in a brothel and ambushed a ... "courtesan" Sudden Attack a ninja who inflicted him as 36 damage blow, blow that has received Apsara he had died with its modest 34 HP, however the "courtesan" not only resisted but offered no resistance, much ... too much, so much has happened to history as one of the most frustrating encounters they have seen on our table
Karla Filo del Amanecer, who has merited its own entrance on other blogs, it comes to my mind a meeting on a sand ship where we were attacked by a sorcerer and his fighter bodyguard a dimension hop was enough to outwit the fighter, attack the sorcerer and slash by half (how little endure the blows) then repeated the dose with the fighter who surrendered and asked for mercy, what definitely angered Karla who showed him the mercy of Raveloft where she comes from and leave it to the middle of the desert without legs or arms, I think that is a little mean.
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