Detrás de la pantalla al hechicero le quedan menos de 10 hp, 7 para ser exactos, en ese momento toca turno al arquero que dispara una veloz saeta, impacta y el resultado es crítico, en el peor de los casos el arquero estará haciendo 5 pts de daño y en el mejor 19 pts, el jugador tira el dado de 8 y obtiene 5 a lo que se suman los bonos para un 13 total, la tensión se siente en la mesa, ¿basta para terminar con el mago? la mesa observa al master en espera de que anuncie la muerte de Arnagul el hechicero de la torre de obsidiana o haga un llamado a las iniciativas.
El master no se engaña, sabe que Arnagul esta en -5 hp, según todas las reglas esta agonizante y de poco serviría prolongar la situación, el encuentro está acabado al igual que Arnagul.
¿Que esperan los jugadores?Hay dos líneas de pensamiento principales para esta situación, la primera y más vieja sería forzar la situación para que Arnagul pueda escapar de la muerte para hacer miserables las vidas de los personajes un tiempo en lo que llega el gran cierre de campaña, en el caso específico el master puede argumentar que después de recibir tremendo flechazo en el abdomen Arnagul activa un objeto mágico que le permite escapar dejando a los personajes con una nube púrpura de humo.
La segunda línea asevera que si las reglas concluyen la muerte de Arnagul este debe morir y listo, sin nubes ni ilusionismo y se debe actuar acorde con la muerte del hechicero.
Estas líneas nos indican lo que el master puede hacer, ¿pero y los jugadores? ¿ellos que están esperando? es de todos sabido que el villano escapa para regresar otro día, es un tropo muy común tanto en las novelas como en el cine o en los comics no es una situación exclusiva del rol.
En cierta forma los jugadores esperan ciertos "clichés" dentro del juego, cosas como el "vidente ciego "(siempre popular) o "la figura misteriosa en el rincón de una taverna" (un clásico) nombro estos pero ciertamente hay muchos otros más como "la chica que mientras usa vestido de noche es inútil pero que al rasgarlo por un costado (además de mostrar pierna) se transforma en una maquina de combate"Los clichés son y se usan porque funcionan, primero nos permiten "ahorrar" tiempo tanto al momento de narrar (al master) como nos da referentes inmediatos a la imaginación (a los jugadores)
Dicho esto hay que entender que los clichés no son malos, ni buenos ya entrados en detalles, son y punto, quienes hacen uso y mal uso de ellos somos nosotros como participantes de un juego de rol, si estoy hasta las narices del drow renegado que lucha por el bien y usa dos espadas cimitarras y lo acompaña una pantera (o lobo, o algo similar) y no seré el único que ha visto semejantes clones en una mesa de rol.
Reformando el cliche
Si bien no son malos su abuso tiende a agotar el recurso y con el tiempo se pierde no solo originalidad sino impacto, es ahí donde entramos como participantes y nos corresponde dar un giro de tuerca al cliche de forma que sea novedoso.![]() |
Paul Atreides de la Saga de Frank Herber, Dune - Ejemplo del Vidente Ciego |
- Vidente Mudo - No tiene como contar sus visiones que le aquejan constantemente, un personaje así debe estar un tanto frustrado o amargado al no tener alguien que le apoye y debe estar acostumbrado a actuar solo y por su cuenta si desea prevenir lo que sus visiones le muestran.
- Vidente sin credibilidad - Nadie cree las visiones que llegan a su mente, terribles situaciones que se podrían evitar si lo escucharan, este personaje estaría sumido en una constante depresión al saber que los terribles acontecimientos que ve se pudieran evitar con sencillas acciones que nadie quiere realizar porque no le creen, puede que incluso haya visto su propia muerte en el futuro e igual... nadie cree, nadie escucha.
Son dos ejemplos de personaje que se pueden hacer al modificar un poco el cliché del Vidente Ciego pero ciertamente no son los únicos.
La Narración
En el libro "El Último Héroe" Sir Terry Pratchet nos presenta a Cohen el Bárbaro, un hombre anciano que junto con sus compañero todos ellos ya seniles y uno andando en su silla de ruedas (debidamente equipada para un bárbaro, faltaba más) se dan cuenta al encontrarse con sus viejos enemigos (todos villanos) lo mucho que han cambiado las cosas, ya no hay héroes.
El villano en cuestión (no recuerdo su nombre) se lamenta de los nuevos "héroes" ya que reconoce que el siempre jugo por el libro, reclutar lacayos estupidos, darles cascos que obstaculizan la visión, dejar una ruta de entrada para que el grupo de héroes puedan entrar y claro dejar lista su ruta de escape para cuando es necesaria, el villano espera que los héroes los venzan y los héroes esperan que los villanos escapen porque así funcionan las cosas. Pero los nuevos "héroes" no juegan por el libro, bloquean su ruta de escape, entran matan a todo y por poco al propio villano.
¿Que esperanza tiene un villano en un mundo donde los héroes son más peligrosos e implacables él? ¿porque el villano no va simplemente y los destruye antes de que en verdad sean un peligro?
Y nos topamos con villanos que tienen todo a su favor... excepto que lo tienen todo en contra. ya que al finalizar el día los héroes los derrotan, puede que no los hayan asesinado pero lo cierto es que ya los derrotaron y quizá sea eso lo que realmente cuenta.
El destino de Arnagul sigue en el aire, entre quienes leen esta entrada el curso de acción es claro desde un inicio, el otro puede parecerles algo extraño en el mejor de los casos hasta francamente disruptivo en el peor,
De mi experiencia personal puedo rescatar el encuentro que tendrían dos personajes, un Goliath Knight Lawful Evil llamado Ragna Rock propiedad de mi amigo Carlos y mi Duskblade Humana (Karla, para los amigos) el encuentro en cuestión se calentaba ya que Carlos había eliminado no a uno sino a dos personajes mios, no era secreto para nadie que yo andaba con la espina de matar su personaje como tampoco lo era el que el quería eliminar un tercer personaje.
Todo bien, parecía que después de mucha espera el encuentro se realizaría en la sesión de ese día, creo que no solo Carlos y yo lo esperábamos sino toda la mesa, sin embargo de las sombras uno de los jugadores realizó su jugada con un asesino que de un golpe mató a Ragna Rock...
Para descargar mi frustración descargue sobre el susodicho asesino el que hubiera sido el golpe inicial contra el Goliath, con lo que no solo lo maté sino que me quedo a deber HP (-34 hp o algo así quedo), el master estaba azorado, los demás jugadores molestos, se les había privado de un espectáculo al ver enfrentarse a dos personajes muy poderosos de donde sólo saldría uno.
El villano ha muerto, si, pero falto algo, fue ahí donde el master decidió que un enemigo del grupo tomaba el cuerpo de Ragna Rock y lo convertía en Undead para que finalmente Karla y él puedan tener su combate.
En cierta forma podemos verlo como una solución tibia pues no sigue cabalmente ninguna de las dos líneas previamente sugeridas, pero en lugar de eso se optó por la que satisfaría plenamente a los participantes, no solo a Carlos y a mi sino a toda la mesa que espera con ansía el encuentro.
The evil sorcerer is finally cornered after a long chase for different regions it is finally face to face with the characters, to see who has made his fortune with all sorts of enemies and monsters.
Behind the screen the sorcerer has less than 10 hp, seven to be exact, then turn the goalkeeper touches that triggers a swift arrow, impacts and the result is critical, in the worst goalkeeper will be doing 5 sts damage and at best 19 pts, the player rolls the dice and gets 5 8 what the bonds are in addition to 13 total tension is felt in the table, is it enough to end the wizard? observes the master table waiting to announce the death of the sorcerer Arnagul obsidian tower or make a call to the initiatives.
The master is not deceived, knows this to -5 Arnagul hp, according to all the rules this agonizing and some would prolong the situation, the meeting is finished as Arnagul.
There are two main lines of thought to this situation, the first and oldest would force the issue to Arnagul can escape death to make miserable the lives of the characters a time that comes the grand finale, in the case specific master can argue that after receiving tremendous crush in the abdomen active Arnagul a magical object that allows you to escape leaving the characters with a purple cloud of smoke.
The second line states that if the rules Arnagul conclude this death and ready to die, without clouds or illusionism and should act upon the death of the sorcerer.
These lines indicate what the master can do, but what about the players? Do they think they waiting for? It is common knowledge that the villain escapes to return another day, it is a common trope in both novels and movies or comics situation is not an exclusive role.
And clichés are used because they work, first allow us to "save" time both at the time of narrating (the master) and gives us immediate to the imagination concerning (the players)
That said we must understand that the clichés are not bad or good and entered into details, are, period, those who use and misuse of them is us as participants in an RPG, if I'm sick of the drow renegade fight for good and uses two swords and scimitars accompanies a panther (or wolf, or something similar) and will not be the only one who has seen such clones at a desk role.
As I said the Blind Seer is extremely popular, usually surrounded by a mystical air and lends even a character who is calm and distant, but if we give it a twist and then we affect another sense we have...
Are two examples of character that can be done to change a little the cliché of the Blind Seer but they are certainly not alone.
The villain in question (can not remember his name) laments the new "heroes" because it recognizes that has always played by the book, recruiting lackeys stupid, give them helmets impeding the vision, leaving a route of entry for the group Heroes can enter and leave clear list your escape route when necessary, the villain expects the maturing heroes and villains heroes hope to escape because the way things work. But the new "heroes" do not play by the book, block their escape route, come kill everything and almost at the same villain.
What hope does a villain in a world where heroes are more dangerous and ruthless it? Why the villain is not going simply and destroys them before they are really a danger?
And we run into villains who have everything going for it ... except that they have everything against. since the end of the day the heroes are defeated, you may not have killed but the truth is already defeated and maybe that's what really counts.
The fate of Arnagul still in the air, between those who read this entry the course of action is clear from the start, the other may seem strange at best to downright disruptive at worst,
From my personal experience I can rescue the meeting would have two characters, a Goliath Knight Lawful Evil called Ragna Rock owned by my friend Carlos and my Duskblade Humana (Karla, for friends) meeting in question warming since Carlos had eliminated not one but two of my characters, it was no secret that I was with the spine to kill his character nor was he wanted to eliminate a third character.
All right, it seemed that after much expected the meeting would take place at the meeting that day, I think that not only Carlos and I had hoped but the whole table, however from the shadows one player made his move with a murderer a stroke killed Ragna Rock ...
Anticlimactic ...
To download my frustration download on the murderer above what would have been the initial coup against Goliath, which not only I killed him but I'll stick to HP duty (-34 hp or so I stayed), the master was embarrassed, the annoying other players, he had been deprived of a spectacle to see confront two very powerful characters where only one would.
The villain has, if dead, but missing something, that was where the master decided that an enemy of the group took the body of Ragna Rock and made him to finally Karla Undead and he can have his match.
In a way we can see it as a warm solution because there is still fully either previously suggested lines, but instead opted for fully satisfy participants, not just Carlos and me but the whole table waiting forward to the meeting.
¿Que esperan los jugadores?
Como la película de Mel Gibson "Lo que ellas quieren" estaría genial poder leer la mente de nuestro grupo y anticipar que es lo que quieren y así poder ofrecerlo o sorprenderlos, sin embargo como por cada master hay 4 jugadores (a veces más) esto se torna una labor imposible si no se tiene una buena comunicación entre los participantes.El destino de Arnagul sigue en el aire, entre quienes leen esta entrada el curso de acción es claro desde un inicio, el otro puede parecerles algo extraño en el mejor de los casos hasta francamente disruptivo en el peor,
De mi experiencia personal puedo rescatar el encuentro que tendrían dos personajes, un Goliath Knight Lawful Evil llamado Ragna Rock propiedad de mi amigo Carlos y mi Duskblade Humana (Karla, para los amigos) el encuentro en cuestión se calentaba ya que Carlos había eliminado no a uno sino a dos personajes mios, no era secreto para nadie que yo andaba con la espina de matar su personaje como tampoco lo era el que el quería eliminar un tercer personaje.
Todo bien, parecía que después de mucha espera el encuentro se realizaría en la sesión de ese día, creo que no solo Carlos y yo lo esperábamos sino toda la mesa, sin embargo de las sombras uno de los jugadores realizó su jugada con un asesino que de un golpe mató a Ragna Rock...
Para descargar mi frustración descargue sobre el susodicho asesino el que hubiera sido el golpe inicial contra el Goliath, con lo que no solo lo maté sino que me quedo a deber HP (-34 hp o algo así quedo), el master estaba azorado, los demás jugadores molestos, se les había privado de un espectáculo al ver enfrentarse a dos personajes muy poderosos de donde sólo saldría uno.
El villano ha muerto, si, pero falto algo, fue ahí donde el master decidió que un enemigo del grupo tomaba el cuerpo de Ragna Rock y lo convertía en Undead para que finalmente Karla y él puedan tener su combate.
En cierta forma podemos verlo como una solución tibia pues no sigue cabalmente ninguna de las dos líneas previamente sugeridas, pero en lugar de eso se optó por la que satisfaría plenamente a los participantes, no solo a Carlos y a mi sino a toda la mesa que espera con ansía el encuentro.
The evil sorcerer is finally cornered after a long chase for different regions it is finally face to face with the characters, to see who has made his fortune with all sorts of enemies and monsters.
Behind the screen the sorcerer has less than 10 hp, seven to be exact, then turn the goalkeeper touches that triggers a swift arrow, impacts and the result is critical, in the worst goalkeeper will be doing 5 sts damage and at best 19 pts, the player rolls the dice and gets 5 8 what the bonds are in addition to 13 total tension is felt in the table, is it enough to end the wizard? observes the master table waiting to announce the death of the sorcerer Arnagul obsidian tower or make a call to the initiatives.
The master is not deceived, knows this to -5 Arnagul hp, according to all the rules this agonizing and some would prolong the situation, the meeting is finished as Arnagul.
What are waiting the players?There are two main lines of thought to this situation, the first and oldest would force the issue to Arnagul can escape death to make miserable the lives of the characters a time that comes the grand finale, in the case specific master can argue that after receiving tremendous crush in the abdomen active Arnagul a magical object that allows you to escape leaving the characters with a purple cloud of smoke.
The second line states that if the rules Arnagul conclude this death and ready to die, without clouds or illusionism and should act upon the death of the sorcerer.
These lines indicate what the master can do, but what about the players? Do they think they waiting for? It is common knowledge that the villain escapes to return another day, it is a common trope in both novels and movies or comics situation is not an exclusive role.
Somehow players expect some "clichés" in the game, things like the "blind seer" (always popular) or "the mysterious figure in the corner of a tavern" (a classic) named these but there are certainly many others like "the girl while wearing evening dress is useless but at tearing down the side (besides showing leg) is transformed into a fighting machine"And clichés are used because they work, first allow us to "save" time both at the time of narrating (the master) and gives us immediate to the imagination concerning (the players)
That said we must understand that the clichés are not bad or good and entered into details, are, period, those who use and misuse of them is us as participants in an RPG, if I'm sick of the drow renegade fight for good and uses two swords and scimitars accompanies a panther (or wolf, or something similar) and will not be the only one who has seen such clones at a desk role.
Reforming the cliche
While not bad the abuse tends to deplete the resource and eventually not only originality but impact is lost, that is where we as participants and it behooves us to give a twist to the cliche so that it is new.As I said the Blind Seer is extremely popular, usually surrounded by a mystical air and lends even a character who is calm and distant, but if we give it a twist and then we affect another sense we have...
- Seer Mute - is not intended to have visions that constantly plague, a character must be somewhat frustrated or embittered by not having someone to support you and be accustomed to act alone and on your own if you want to prevent what visions you shown.
- Seer without credibility - Nobody believes the visions that come to mind, terrible situations that could be avoided if they heard, this character would be plunged into a constant depression to know that the terrible events that sees could be avoided with simple actions that anyone wants to do they do not believe you, you may have even seen their own death in the future and just ... no one believes, no one listens.
Are two examples of character that can be done to change a little the cliché of the Blind Seer but they are certainly not alone.
In the book "The Last Hero" Sir Terry Pratchett introduces us to Cohen the Barbarian, an elderly man who along with his partner and all senile and one walk in his wheelchair (properly equipped for a barbarian, missing more) are given has to meet his old enemies (all villains) how much things have changed, there are no heroes.The villain in question (can not remember his name) laments the new "heroes" because it recognizes that has always played by the book, recruiting lackeys stupid, give them helmets impeding the vision, leaving a route of entry for the group Heroes can enter and leave clear list your escape route when necessary, the villain expects the maturing heroes and villains heroes hope to escape because the way things work. But the new "heroes" do not play by the book, block their escape route, come kill everything and almost at the same villain.
What hope does a villain in a world where heroes are more dangerous and ruthless it? Why the villain is not going simply and destroys them before they are really a danger?
And we run into villains who have everything going for it ... except that they have everything against. since the end of the day the heroes are defeated, you may not have killed but the truth is already defeated and maybe that's what really counts.
What are the players waiting?
As Mel Gibson movie "What Women Want" would be great to read the minds of our group and anticipate what they want and be able to offer or surprise, however as per master there are 4 players (sometimes more) that an impossible task it becomes if you do not have good communication among participants.The fate of Arnagul still in the air, between those who read this entry the course of action is clear from the start, the other may seem strange at best to downright disruptive at worst,
From my personal experience I can rescue the meeting would have two characters, a Goliath Knight Lawful Evil called Ragna Rock owned by my friend Carlos and my Duskblade Humana (Karla, for friends) meeting in question warming since Carlos had eliminated not one but two of my characters, it was no secret that I was with the spine to kill his character nor was he wanted to eliminate a third character.
All right, it seemed that after much expected the meeting would take place at the meeting that day, I think that not only Carlos and I had hoped but the whole table, however from the shadows one player made his move with a murderer a stroke killed Ragna Rock ...
Anticlimactic ...
To download my frustration download on the murderer above what would have been the initial coup against Goliath, which not only I killed him but I'll stick to HP duty (-34 hp or so I stayed), the master was embarrassed, the annoying other players, he had been deprived of a spectacle to see confront two very powerful characters where only one would.
The villain has, if dead, but missing something, that was where the master decided that an enemy of the group took the body of Ragna Rock and made him to finally Karla Undead and he can have his match.
In a way we can see it as a warm solution because there is still fully either previously suggested lines, but instead opted for fully satisfy participants, not just Carlos and me but the whole table waiting forward to the meeting.
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